Primal Muscle Blog

Six Tips To Explosive New Pectoral Growth
If there is any muscle group which seriously sets apart the casual trainer from the serious lifter, it is the chest muscles, or pectorals.
Six Tips To Explosive New Pectoral Growth
If there is any muscle group which seriously sets apart the casual trainer from the serious lifter, it is the chest muscles, or pectorals.

Be A Better Bodybuilder By Adding Caffeine To Y...
An edge. You’re always looking for it. In the workplace, in the classroom, and even in the gym.
Be A Better Bodybuilder By Adding Caffeine To Y...
An edge. You’re always looking for it. In the workplace, in the classroom, and even in the gym.

Quick Keto Dieting For Back-To-School Leaning Up!
Summer was fun. You spend countless hours with friends, nights at the beach, days in the pool, and sadly, it is all coming to an end.
Quick Keto Dieting For Back-To-School Leaning Up!
Summer was fun. You spend countless hours with friends, nights at the beach, days in the pool, and sadly, it is all coming to an end.

The Only 3 Exercises You'll Ever Need
Conventional wisdom in regards to overall physical strength would suggest that the squat, bench press, and deadlift, would cover you for life.
The Only 3 Exercises You'll Ever Need
Conventional wisdom in regards to overall physical strength would suggest that the squat, bench press, and deadlift, would cover you for life.

5 Reasons Why Most Pre-Workout Supplements Tota...
Pre-workout supplements are all the rage these days… they build muscle, burn fat, help you get stronger and max out endurance, right? Well - as with most things in life,...
5 Reasons Why Most Pre-Workout Supplements Tota...
Pre-workout supplements are all the rage these days… they build muscle, burn fat, help you get stronger and max out endurance, right? Well - as with most things in life,...