“Over the past ten years, I have spent literally tens of thousands of dollars on so called, 'take this, get huge in 30 days' type supplements that unethical (so called nutrition companies) were selling. The advertising claims these companies are pushing to the public (you), can be a lot of hyped up B.S. It’s usually all about their wallets (vitamin pimps and pushers). So, after doing years and years of my own research, partly as a guinea pig and partly as a bodybuilder, I will not ever recommend a product unless I have personally tried it and gotten the results when the product is consumed as per the directions on the label.
Finally, through reading, reading and more reading about the science behind a few natural products, I decided to give one in particular a 'go,' its name is MesoFX, a product that was actually discovered by Russian scientists. I can truly tell you I was nothing short of blown away. The size and strength gains are astonishing, all while you are just continually sweating because you’re burning the fat... This stuff rocks.
I will always recommend this product, as I am extremely pleased with the results I’ve gotten, along with the professionalism I receive from my advisor.*”
Bobby B.
Scottsdale, AZ
"TriaTherm was amazing! Here are two before photos of me at 215 lbs 21% bca. The after photos are me at 185 lbs and 10% bca. I did my workouts, dieted and took TriaTherm. Thanks I will be getting more products from you.*"
Christian F.
Lexington Park, MD
"I am an amateur bodybuilder/ powerlifter / MMA fighter and have been around for going on 20 years. At the age of 37 I don't have time nor the money to waste on marketing scams that are seen in every magazine on the shelves today. I started using HumaTR7 combined with CycloST3, MesoFX, Primal SURGE and Met-Pro. Some will say that was a huge investment, I say it was a great one. I have spent way more money on supplements throughout the years recommended by Mr.O or Mr. whoever just to find myself with a healthy toilet and no results. This stack finally has taken me over the top with a raw bench personal record of 565 lbs for 2 reps at 240 lbs and a standing overhead military press with 350 lbs for 3 solid reps.
I told myself 2012 would be my year and each and every time I hit the gym I am seeing more and more results thanks to the Primal Muscle stack. I used to like to call the stack I used before the "Squatmonster Stack," but this is what I call the "Giantkiller Stack." That's the name of my MMA team, standing only 5' 6" and fighting as a heavyweight, most guys tower over me, but they will never overpower me. Thanks Primal Muscle for all your support and great line of superior products.*"
Daniel "Squat Monster" Conner
Decatur, IL
Competitive MMA Fighter & Powerlifter
“Let me tell you, Tridenosen-H was amazing. The strength that it gave me to push harder without getting tired was out of this world. I was able to push myself much harder in my speed races, I could swear I felt like a racehorse. Thanks!*"
Aamir A.
Teaneck, NJ
“Hi my name is Clark Witt. Off season I weigh 234 lbs, but my competition weight is 199lbs. I am 24 years old and I can lift bench press 405 lbs, deadlift 525 lbs at 4 reps. I like Primal Muscle's products, specifically the supps that got me here (MesoFX, TriaTherm & Alpha Forge!).*”
Clark W.
San Leandro, CA
“Without a doubt, Primal Muscle's exclusive products like Tridenosen-H, gave me the fastest results on the planet. I got bigger and more ripped than ever in 6 weeks. After trying these products, me and all of my buddies won’t go anywhere else for supps.*”
Dave M.
Jerseyville, IL
"To gain lean muscle mass (drug-free) at an advanced age requires cutting edge supplementation. Primal Muscle’s products (in particular, Primal BOOST) have helped me put on vascular, freaky-solid muscle well into my sixties. I would not want to train without this powerful product that maximizes my efforts.*"
Tony D.
Cape Coral, FL
"I placed an order through your web site and made a friend with one of your Advisers, and I can say he is a very honest and sincere individual. He did not try to unload any unnecessary supplements on me just to make a sale and for that I am extremely grateful. He gave me an honest recommendation on a product that would help me achieve my goal. I order very few products but I only tried this one to see how it would work with my diet plan and I was amazed. Tridenosen-H is an excellent product. I could feel the effects within minutes of taking it. I now wished I had used it earlier before my competition. Even though I did very well I am sure the end result was from Tridenosen-H. I was drier, tighter, harder and more vascular. I will continue to use this product and look forward to testing the other Primal Muscle products too. When I called originally, no only did we discuss the supplements, but I received a work out plan, a diet plan as well as a dosage plan of when and what amount of each supplement to take. Above and beyond service, and in my opinion it makes Primal Muscle above the rest. Even though I am overseas in the military shipping was excellent.*"
William W.
Armed Forces
"I just turned 29, never married, no kids, and I was beginning to wonder about my future. I know I have a great personality so that left me believing that my looks were the only thing that has been holding me back and keeping me single. With my stress I knew I needed a change. Now I can’t give all the credit to TriaTherm because it takes more motivation and dedication then just taking some pills to get in shape! I started eating better and working out almost every evening to start my change! But I have to say with taking TriaTherm it helped me reach my goals easier, faster, and now helps with keeping the weight off! And nothing builds better confidence then being 44 pounds less!!!!*"
Ronnie S.
Kannapolic, NC
"Before my 3 bottles of MesoFX & 2 bottles of TriaTherm I worked out 4 days a week, ate about 3,000 calories a day, & did heavy weight of about 6-8 reps with only 8-12 sets per muscle group. I was 201 lbs & was somewhere between 28-30% bodyfat. I am now 219 lbs & only %19 body fat. My bench press went from 355 lbs to 426 lbs. My squat went up 82 lbs as well. I am leaner, stronger, bigger & all around better than ever before after only one stack of 3 MesoFX & 2 TriaTherm."
Cody H.
Silsbee, TX
“I’m writing on behalf of the powerful supplements I’ve been taking over a 3 month span, and I have to tell you, I’m very pleased with the results. I’ve taken MesoFX. Your supplements have done what they claim and then some. Gentlemen have swore I was on the Winny! And I’ve been proud to tell them otherwise. I’m a Natural Beast, and I feel with these supplements, if I go toe-to-toe with someone on the juice, I feel that with my results, I would smash them in the gym.*”
Nick W.
Riverside, CA
"Your products are amazing. I’ve been working out for years trying to get an unbelievable body with no real progress. A few weeks ago I started taking Primal BOOST, and I had so much improvement that I had to start Tridenosen-H, and Primo-33. I feel like a wild animal in the gym my workouts are now so intense I can’t believe it. Your products have allowed me to break through my goals and push the bar higher than I ever thought possible. I have been able to workout six days a week because I have so much energy, and I’m looking forward to my next day in the gym to see how strong that I can get. I have recommended your products to all of my friends.*"
Andre J.
Lynchburg, VA
"I thought I'd share my results while on Alpha Forge. I had my Testosterone panel results today & my free Test is 380 & Total Testosterone is 1,666, so I know it works!! The Free was sky high in a very good way & I'm feeling the 'T' rush in my workouts. Strength has increased tremendously and I've been responding well to MesoFX also.*"
Mike D.
Palm Bay, FL
"These are the pics from my calendar shoot on May 14, 2011 in Atlanta. My show is July 16 which I will look harder, but the Tridenosen-H, Alpha Forge and TriaTherm really helped me sustain my muscle...*"
Jumaane D.
Stockbridge, GA
"After taking Tridenosen-H and MesoFX, I got my bodyweight down to 104 lbs for a world powerlifting meet in Chicago and I ended up winning the whole thing! I was best lifter and won my weight class. I got 7 new world records in all my lifts including the total in Open and Masters categories and set a new all-time high record in the history of the sport in the squat and total. It was the most ever lifted by any 105lb class female lifter in any federation in the world! I squatted 462 lb’s, benched 209 and deadlifted 380 lbs. I ended up upping my dosage of Tridenosen-H, but I didn’t know for sure about the MesoFX so I stopped taking that a few days prior to the competition. I have since found out that it would have been O.K. to take it. I knew they would test me so I didn’t want to take any chances! Next time I’m sure it would probably be O.K. to take it too.
So I was the star of the meet squatting 4.5x my bodyweight and I got a lot of respect from all the big guys! Even though they were squatting so much more than me they knew pound for pound what I had accomplished and really gave me a lot of credit for it. My next feat is to squat 515 lbs in the 114 lbs weight class to get that all time high record.*"
Margaret K.
Bradenton, FL
"All year round I maintain app 6% to 7% body fat which is difficult. At the present time I am stacking Tridenosen-H, MesoFX and Primal BOOST. These products I use all year round . Over the last month I have been trying to get down my bodyfat to 5%. It's very hard. One day my Adviser called me about a new product called TriaTherm. I then bought a bottle and stacked it with the other products that I was taking. I got to say these product works great and I am finally just under 5% body fat today . Its a great feeling being shredded all year round . Every one ask me what steroids I take and I tell them nothing. I always just tell people in the gym that I use Primal Muscle supplements, nothing works better then the products this company offers.*"
Mike C.
New York, NY
"I am a 52 year old female, fighting that middle age bulge. A bodybuilder in my younger years, I have found the aging process to be quite hard to accept and a real battle. I used hGH injectable for 8 months until the price became too expensive, so I went looking for an alternative way to fight the body fat and muscle wasting. I began taking the Tridenosen-H 3 weeks ago, I immediately had more energy and ambition. Within 2 weeks I noticed growth increase in my legs muscles, without any hard core exercise, just the basic toning. I did not appreciate the true extent of what has occurred in my body, until last week when we were hit with 20 inches of snow in one day and more the following day...
I have a flat roof patio, a 30 foot long drive way with a steep incline up to the road, plus an additional patio that had to be shoveled. I don’t have a snow blower so I shoveled for 2-5 hours. The next day, after new snow fell a roommate began helping me, (a GUY) and at 2 hours he began to whine about being tired and sore. He asked me why I wasn’t exhausted or too sore to move...
I told him I thought it was the Tridenosen-H, He laughed at me, So I said, “Dude, feel my thighs,” He tried to pinch me and couldn’t.. So I said, “Feel my butt,” He said, Damn women, it ‘s like a rock, can I feel it again?”
I shoveled snow for 3 days in a row. Chopped up ice burms, plain hard work for an old chick like me. I feel great!! Even my biceps have increased. I am turning into a little hulkster now. Not quite what I planned on but impressive. I would highly recommend Tridenosen-H to any women looking to tone up, any women in training, and of course any guy who wants to add more bulk. I have not noticed any adverse effects... No racing heart, no sleep disturbance, just an increase in muscle size and endurance.*"
Mary P.
Spokane, WA
“I'm an MMA Fighter that will take a Fight at any Weight I can safely make. I usually fight at 205 lbs, but was given the opportunity to Punch a Cop in the Face without going to Jail. I had to cut to 175 lbs and needed to stay strong. I took TriaTherm & Tridenosen-H. I made Weight and didn't lose any Strength. Your Products Rock. Now I need to get back to a Rock Solid 205 lbs for my next Fight.*”
Rick "Notorious" Slaton
San Diego, CA
Professional MMA Fighter