NEW Muscle Cell Growth,
Lightning Fast Recovery,

An all natural source of IGF-1 extracted from deer antler velvet. IGF-1 is one of the most anabolic hormones in your body, and fuels muscle growth. IGF-1 makes muscle cells BIGGER & makes MORE NEW MUSCLE CELLS!

⬇️ Watch This AMAZING Video NOW! ⬇️

Deer Antler Velvet

Like the old saying goes, there’s nothing new under the sun. The use of deer antler velvet dates back over two thousand years in Eastern medicine. In fact, nearly 250 papers have been published on the manufacture, composition and biochemical effects of deer antler velvet since 1930.

This research is pretty amazing - it suggests there are quite a few benefits associated with taking deer antler velvet, such as:

  • Improving muscle tone
  • Lean muscle mass and strength
  • Increasing fat loss
  • Lung capacity
  • Enhancing metabolism
  • Mental alertness
  • Mood
  • Memory
  • Cognition and sleep
  • Recovery from exertion or injury
  • Immune system support

Not to mention, deer antler velvet may also help support lower cortisol levels, and managing inflammation in bones and joints.

In fact, you could call it one of the world’s oldest “superfoods” as it’s loaded with all sorts of super potent compounds.

OK, so it certainly looks like this stuff is pretty legit - but you might be wondering, how do they even get this stuff?


Deer antler velvet supplements are made from the immature tissues surrounding bone and cartilage found inside the tips of live deer antlers. Like I mentioned before, the antlers naturally contain IGF-1. This helps them to grow rapidly. And when I say rapidly, I mean REAL QUICK - like 1 inch or more PER DAY!

This IGF-1 rich tissue is taken from the deer antlers before they fully grow and harden and used to make supplements. The animals are not harmed in the process of extracting the substance from their antlers.

You with me so far?

Ok, cool - let’s get down to brass tacks… what is it going to do for you?


Looking for the quick answer on what this stuff does and whether or not it is going to work for you?

Here are some of the reported benefits suggested by research:

  • Increases proliferation and growth of lean muscle cells without a corresponding rise
  • in fat tissue
  • Increases uptake of amino acids into muscle cells, helping to regenerate muscle
  • tissue after exercise and assure that muscle protein synthesis takes place
  • Increases uptake of glucose into muscle cells
  • Improves utilization of fat for energy
  • Decreases utilization of carbohydrates
  • Reduces catabolism (muscle breakdown) after training and workouts

Sounds pretty damn good, right?


While we have sold THOUSANDS of bottles of 191xt, and not had a SINGLE report of anyone having any issues - I feel the need to throw this out there…

Although the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) does not currently list deer antler velvet as a banned substance, it still warns athletes that taking the supplement may have negative consequences.

According to the WADA website:
“Deer Antler Velvet Spray may contain IGF-1 and WADA recommends therefore that athletes be extremely vigilant with this supplement because it could lead to a positive test. There can be no guarantee that IGF-1 taken orally will not influence the plasma level of IGF-1, which may then influence the result of anti-doping tests.”

Like I said, we have sold thousands of bottles of 191xt to date, our clients love it and can’t get enough of it.

If you’re ready to accelerate muscle building and fat loss, I encourage you to give 191xt a shot. Remember, we back everything we sell with a LIFETIME, NO BS, 100% Money Back Guarantee… so there is no risk in giving it a shot!

"I have a lot more energy, awesome pumps, gained a lot of muscle, lost a lot of fat and I could go on and on. I started out with 15% bodyfat and at 185 lbs. After hard work, quality supplements, and a healthy diet, I weigh 225 lbs at 4% bodyfat. Thank you Primal Muscle for awesome products."

-Clint Y.

"I'm blown away by the results so far! In just one month I put 45 lbs on my bench press and I see a noticeable difference in the muscle belly of my arms. This is the most powerful product we have out 'since dem little pink pills'"

-Ronald C.

"This s**t is the bomb, Man I did incline dumbbells the other day with 125lbs, I have never done that much the most was 110/115, and everything else is falling into place as well and I am just strong as hell right now, not bad for a 51 year old man huh?"

-Steve M.

"I just started taking it and the results have been staggering. I feel younger and more energetic and have gotten the best sleep I have ever gotten since I was 18! My skin is getting softer and I feel younger. And my workouts have been intense. My knees quit aching and my speed and agility is increasing again. Now my problem is controlling how HIGH I jump!"

-Mike M.

And believe it or not, there are a lot more where these came from!

191xt is AWESOME. Give it a shot, you will NOT be sorry.

We are so confident you are going to get AMAZING results with it, we GUARANTEE results.

Get Bigger, Get Stronger

NEW Muscle Cell Growth,
Lightning Fast Recovery,

⬇️ Watch This AMAZING Video NOW! ⬇️

An all natural source of IGF-1 extracted from deer antler velvet. IGF-1 is one of the most anabolic hormones in your body, and fuels muscle growth. IGF-1 makes muscle cells BIGGER & makes MORE NEW MUSCLE CELLS!

Deer Antler Velvet

Like the old saying goes, there’s nothing new under the sun. The use of deer antler velvet dates back over two thousand years in Eastern medicine. In fact, nearly 250 papers have been published on the manufacture, composition and biochemical effects of deer antler velvet since 1930.

This research is pretty amazing - it suggests there are quite a few benefits associated with taking deer antler velvet, such as:

  • Improving muscle tone
  • Lean muscle mass and strength
  • Increasing fat loss
  • Lung capacity
  • Enhancing metabolism
  • Mental alertness
  • Mood
  • Memory
  • Cognition and sleep
  • Recovery from exertion or injury
  • Immune system support

Not to mention, deer antler velvet may also help support lower cortisol levels, and managing inflammation in bones and joints.

In fact, you could call it one of the world’s oldest “superfoods” as it’s loaded with all sorts of super potent compounds.

OK, so it certainly looks like this stuff is pretty legit - but you might be wondering, how do they even get this stuff?


Deer antler velvet supplements are made from the immature tissues surrounding bone and cartilage found inside the tips of live deer antlers. Like I mentioned before, the antlers naturally contain IGF-1. This helps them to grow rapidly. And when I say rapidly, I mean REAL QUICK - like 1 inch or more PER DAY!

This IGF-1 rich tissue is taken from the deer antlers before they fully grow and harden and used to make supplements. The animals are not harmed in the process of extracting the substance from their antlers.

You with me so far?

Ok, cool - let’s get down to brass tacks… what is it going to do for you?


Looking for the quick answer on what this stuff does and whether or not it is going to work for you?

Here are some of the reported benefits suggested by research:

  • Increases proliferation and growth of lean muscle cells without a corresponding rise
  • in fat tissue
  • Increases uptake of amino acids into muscle cells, helping to regenerate muscle
  • tissue after exercise and assure that muscle protein synthesis takes place
  • Increases uptake of glucose into muscle cells
  • Improves utilization of fat for energy
  • Decreases utilization of carbohydrates
  • Reduces catabolism (muscle breakdown) after training and workouts

Sounds pretty damn good, right?


While we have sold THOUSANDS of bottles of 191xt, and not had a SINGLE report of anyone having any issues - I feel the need to throw this out there…

Although the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) does not currently list deer antler velvet as a banned substance, it still warns athletes that taking the supplement may have negative consequences.

According to the WADA website:
“Deer Antler Velvet Spray may contain IGF-1 and WADA recommends therefore that athletes be extremely vigilant with this supplement because it could lead to a positive test. There can be no guarantee that IGF-1 taken orally will not influence the plasma level of IGF-1, which may then influence the result of anti-doping tests.”

Like I said, we have sold thousands of bottles of 191xt to date, our clients love it and can’t get enough of it.

If you’re ready to accelerate muscle building and fat loss, I encourage you to give 191xt a shot. Remember, we back everything we sell with a LIFETIME, NO BS, 100% Money Back Guarantee… so there is no risk in giving it a shot!

"I have a lot more energy, awesome pumps, gained a lot of muscle, lost a lot of fat and I could go on and on. I started out with 15% bodyfat and at 185 lbs. After hard work, quality supplements, and a healthy diet, I weigh 225 lbs at 4% bodyfat. Thank you Primal Muscle for awesome products."

-Clint Y.

"I'm blown away by the results so far! In just one month I put 45 lbs on my bench press and I see a noticeable difference in the muscle belly of my arms. This is the most powerful product we have out 'since dem little pink pills'"

-Ronald C.

"This s**t is the bomb, Man I did incline dumbbells the other day with 125lbs, I have never done that much the most was 110/115, and everything else is falling into place as well and I am just strong as hell right now, not bad for a 51 year old man huh?"

-Steve M.

"I just started taking it and the results have been staggering. I feel younger and more energetic and have gotten the best sleep I have ever gotten since I was 18! My skin is getting softer and I feel younger. And my workouts have been intense. My knees quit aching and my speed and agility is increasing again. Now my problem is controlling how HIGH I jump!"

-Mike M.

And believe it or not, there are a lot more where these came from!

191xt is AWESOME. Give it a shot, you will NOT be sorry.

We are so confident you are going to get AMAZING results with it, we GUARANTEE results.

Get Bigger, Get Stronger

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Regular price $359.97 Sale price $177.00
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191xt (1-month)
191xt (1-month)
191xt (1-month)
191xt (1-month)


Cutting-Edge Anabolic Builds INSANE MASS & Gets You RIPPED!

5.0 Rating

✅ Explode With NEW Size & Strength: 191xt is an IGF-1 booster designed to practically force your muscles to grow without changing your diet or workout routine.

Recover Like You're On Gear: Faster recovery is the "Secret Sauce" behind 191xt's secret sauce. Push more weight, for more reps, and recover faster... for more mind-blowing size and strength in just weeks!

Cutting-Edge Delivery System: For years, the only way to get more IGF-1 was with a needle and a script from your doc, or from Rocco at the gym. 191xt's new, totally legal, oral delivery system is a game changer for guys who want fast gains!

Guaranteed Results: Just 6 sprays every night before bed and you are going to start seeing some AMAZING results, and if you don't see the gains you're looking for... you don't pay - it's that simple!

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90 Day Money Back Guarantee

Made In The USA

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Watch This Amazing Video NOW!

IGF-1: Dissecting the Blueprint of Advanced Muscle Growth

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Let's talk about the holy grail of growth, the anabolic ace in the hole: IGF-1.

It's been called the "kissing cousin" to Human Growth Hormone (HGH), yet it's in a league of its own. It's like stumbling upon the fountain of youth, but for muscles.

Here’s why:

Imagine hitting the gym and lifting like a titan, every session. The anabolic effects of IGF-1 in the body and its ability to stimulate muscle protein synthesis is second to none.

But here's the real game-changer: you don't just get stronger, you recover like a superhero.

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Your muscles will bounce back from the most hardcore training you can throw at them—rapid, almost uncanny recovery that fuels your next session before you've even left the gym.

It gets better…

IGF-1 isn't just about muscle hypertrophy; it's about creating new muscle highways for growth. Welcome to the world of muscle cell hyperplasia. This process involves the proliferation and differentiation of muscle satellite cells into new myonuclei that support growth of additional muscle fibers. This leads to an increase in the total number of muscle fibers.

What does that mean in non-scientific jargon?

While traditional gains are like adding more cars to the road, hyperplasia builds entirely new roads. This means more paths for growth, more avenues for strength, and a physique that doesn't just inflate but escalates in its capacity for power.

The implications here? I think you can see…Enormous.

This is the kind of transformation that redefines what "jacked" really means. It's a full-scale muscle revolution, taking your body to new, uncharted territories.

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As tantalizing as the powers of IGF-1 might seem, for the everyday weightlifting warrior, it's been about as accessible as a squat rack at a yoga retreat. The harsh reality is that traditionally, IGF-1 has been exclusive to those who can afford its hefty price tag and manage its clinical administration via injection – definitely not for the faint of heart or light of wallet.

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Taking the black market route? You never know if you've scored the jackpot or if you've just been dealt a costly placebo. Plus, let’s not even start on the DIY approach to self-injection. That’s a dark, twisty path few want to travel, and it's fraught with risks that could put your health, not to mention your freedom, in jeopardy.

But here’s where things get crazy:

A substance found in deer antlers (of all places!) has made the awesome benefits of IGF-1 available to us like never before.

Fear The Deer: Super-Growth Factor Matrix In Antlers Is Like Anabolic Lighter Fluid.

Ever heard of deer antler velvet?

You're about to.

Extracted from the soft outer covering of growing deer antlers, this natural powerhouse is a veritable treasure chest of health-boosting compounds.

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Deer antlers grow at an almost unbelievable speed (as in, a half-inch a day!!), driven by a cocktail of naturally occurring elements that spur growth at a freakin' insane rate unseen anywhere else in the animal kingdom. It's from this raw, vital force of nature that deer antler velvet is harvested.

(PSA: deer are not harmed in the process.)

Deer antler velvet was used in ancient China for centuries for its therapeutic and vitality benefits. Once science enabled us to see just what this antler velvet is made of, we found out that the ancients were onto something.

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This stuff was first embraced by the anti-aging community, but it quickly became a staple for elite athletes and bodybuilders.

Deer antler velvet contains compounds such as glycosaminoglycans, growth factors, and, you guessed it…


When I found out that the anti-aging community was using this stuff with great success, I naturally wondered what the implications for bodybuilding might be.

It turns out that many of the pros were already taking deer antler velvet but keeping it on the down low (few competitors want to reveal their secrets, for obvious reasons).

But now the info is out there, and I knew there was something to this.

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Introducing 191xt™: Your Legal Gateway to IGF-1's Powerhouse Effects

After some intensive research into deer antler velvet, I finally struck gold in securing a source for the purest, high-potency stuff. While it stands alone for its benefits, I knew that my audience would want to take it a little further. And 191xt™ is the result.

Powered by a cutting-edge, oral sublingual spray, 191xt™ allows for max absorption to get the most bang for the buck from deer antler velvet. .

When we first released 191xt™ to the market the response from customers surprised even me.


Guys were reporting things like:

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Accelerated Muscle Growth

191xt™ is like rocket fuel for your muscles. It stimulates muscle hypertrophy (growth), boosting your size and strength and getting you closer to your goal of a jacked and massive physique.


Unleashed Dual Muscle Growth Mechanisms

Experiencing both hypertrophy and hyperplasia. This one-two punch of muscle-building power enlarges your existing muscle fibers (hypertrophy) while also creating entirely new muscle cells (hyperplasia). This double-action effect catapults your gains into uncharted territory.


Enhanced Performance

By promoting nutrient delivery to your muscles, IGF-1 ensures you have the fuel they need to perform at their peak. You'll notice improved strength, stamina, and workout performance.


Improved Mental Function

191xt™ also boosts brain function, improving focus and mental clarity. This can lead to better concentration during workouts and throughout your day.


Boosts Metabolism

191xt™ gives your metabolism a kick, enhancing calorie burn even when you're not exercising.

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Revolutionary Formula. Unrivaled Gains. Superhuman Performance.

As potent as deer antler velvet is on its own, I knew my audience would want to take it even further.

So I hit the research and studies and found the most powerful, all-natural elements to make 191xt™ a true game-changer.


Niacin: Your Metabolic Igniter

More than just a vitamin, Niacin plays a pivotal role in over 50 metabolic processes, turning your food into fuel and not fat. Its role in energy production is critical for enduring those muscle-tearing, sweat-dripping workouts, ensuring you've got the gusto to go the distance every time.


L-Arginine: Muscle Nutrition's Highway

L-Arginine steps up as the ultimate blood flow booster in the 191xt™ symphony. This amino acid is your golden ticket to vasodilation, expanding highways for nutrient-rich blood to feed your muscles precisely when they need it most.


Epimedium: Vitality's Ancient Elixir

Epimedium is a natural plant extract that's no stranger to amplifying physical performance. In the realm of 191xt™, it's your clandestine edge for endurance and recuperative prowess. Often hailed for its support in natural testosterone levels, Epimedium infuses your regimen with an ancient vitality that's been revered for centuries.


Tribulus: Testosterone's Conductor

Possibly the most anabolic herb on the planet, Tribulus comes on stage with one mission: to fine-tune your testosterone levels. It's not just any supplement; it's a powerhouse in 191xt™ 's arsenal, known for supporting the hormone that's synonymous with strength, stamina, and muscle mass.

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Long Jack Root: Endurance's Secret Weapon

An herbal medicinal plant native to Southeast Asia, Jack Root is the undercover agent in the 191xt™ formula, fighting fatigue and firing up your anabolic engines for workouts that rewrite your limits.

UPDATE - holy cow. This stuff is amazing. Day 8 taking it and I've seen excellent results in the gym. Now, keep in mind, I'm in the gym 6 days a week and I'm pushing myself very hard. My strength has seriously increased and I've gained some good muscle mass.

- Alan


The deer antler velvet contained in 191xt™ is banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) as well as many sports organizations. (What does that tell you about the potency of this stuff?...🤔)

So if you are a pro, semi-pro, or college athlete, make sure you’re aware of your sanctioning organization’s list of banned substances before you experiment with 191xt™.

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Need Some Advice Or Questions Answered? No Problem.

It may be close, but 191xt™ isn't some "miracle in a bottle." Unfortunately, nothing is. You still have to train hard and keep your diet dialed in. But here's where Primal Muscle sets itself apart from the rest.

We maintain a team of expert fitness advisors on hand at all times. They're always ready to listen to your goals and provide tailored suggestions based on your unique situation. Their insights on how to dose Primal Muscle formulas can be the difference between getting good results and getting “Holy sh*t!!” results.

This service is available at NO COST. At Primal Muscle, we genuinely want you to get the results you’re looking for sooner rather than later. So give us a call and let’s talk gains.

Get Results or Pay Nothing.

Still on the fence? Hell, I don't blame you.

We all know there's been plenty of over-promising and under-delivering in the supplement world for too long.

This is precisely why we back EVERY Primal Muscle product with our 100% money-back guarantee. No BS, no surveys, and no mailing in the unused portion of your purchase. If you don't love your experience with our stuff, call or email us, and we'll get you squared away immediately. It's that simple.

Several Options For Optimal Results

Most of the 191xt™ customers say that when used similarly to a traditional steroid cycle (3-6 months) the effects become much stronger as the weeks go by.

You'll experience the effects with one bottle, but optimal results occur a few months in. Look at it this way: someone using illegal gear doesn't expect to look like a pro bodybuilder in just three weeks. The stuff needs to saturate your system. The same principle applies here.

This is why we offer killer savings on bundle orders. Get your cycle squared away at a discount, and then you're ready to unleash the beast.

Get 191xt™ today!


Instant Savings: $50

191XT_image_1 (1).png__PID:9d5561fc-6cec-4af2-bc3e-3c9d8da5176d

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Regularly: $120

  • 90 Day Money Back Guarantee

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Instant Savings: $180

191XT_image_2 (1).png__PID:ed9d5561-fc6c-4c8a-b2fc-3e3c9d8da517


Per bottle

Regularly: $120

Total $179.97

  • 90-day Money-back Guarantee

best deal

6 Months

Instant Savings: $420

191XT_image_3 (1).png__PID:39ed9d55-61fc-4cec-8af2-fc3e3c9d8da5


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Regularly: $120

Total $299.94

  • 90 Day Money Back Guarantee

best deal

6 Months

Instant Savings: $420

191XT_image_3 (1).png__PID:39ed9d55-61fc-4cec-8af2-fc3e3c9d8da5


Per bottle

Regularly: $120

Total $299.94

  • 90 Day Money Back Guarantee

Most Popular


Instant Savings: $180

191XT_image_2 (1).png__PID:ed9d5561-fc6c-4c8a-b2fc-3e3c9d8da517


Per bottle

Regularly: $120

Total $179.97

  • 90-day Money-back Guarantee


Instant Savings: $50

191XT_image_1 (1).png__PID:9d5561fc-6cec-4af2-bc3e-3c9d8da5176d

Per bottle

Regularly: $120

  • 90 Day Money Back Guarantee