Time. If there’s any resource we could all use a little more of, it is time. Often called the only non-renewable resource, time is something which most of us crave, manage, conserve, yet are never able to actually create. Therefore, the more we can make better use of our time for the tasks which are required, the more time we have available for the more fun things in life. Successful time management is a key requirement for a successful life in which we reach out goals, hands down.
If you’re a serious lifter, then training shoulders is always considered a requirement. Maybe when you first entered the gym, movements for chest and biceps were the priority. However, as you learned about the importance of building an overall balanced and symmetrical physique, you gradually begin to appreciate the numerous advantages which can be attained when shoulders are actually targeted in training on a regular basis. First off, you stop getting injured! While nothing can prevent all shoulder aches and pains, training on a regular basis can sure help alleviate the tweaks which occur due to strength imbalances. Possessing an overall balanced physique looks better too, whether you’re at the local level or not competing at all. Building a complete body means you’re hitting shoulders each week. But are you giving them enough training attention?
The shoulders consist of three deltoid heads. The front deltoid is targeted using movements such as front barbell raise, cable raise to the front, and DB raises. Side deltoids are hit using side DB raises, or with cables or kettlebells. Rear deltoids are targeted with bent over lateral rows and reverse pec deck flyes.
You will want to rest for a maximum of ONE MINUTE between each of your giant sets. Work to stretch, have a drink of water, and consciously adjust your breathing rate. The key to being ready for the next giant set is to lower your heart rate and breathing pace as much as possible. You’ll be completing three to five of these giant sets, depending upon your strength and energy levels, as well as the amount of time you have available for training on this particular day. Remember that this kind of training is designed to optimize your training time for the busy lifter. Spend every minute wisely!
Reducing your weights will be a part of giant set training which may be a little difficult to stomach at first, but will be better for attaining results in the long run. That ego hit to poundage being moved will be offset by the improvements in shoulder size, width, thickness and vascularity which you will see from training with high volume in a short amount of time. Keep your repetitions smooth and controlled. Swinging the weight or using the dreaded “Body English” might be fun for a few added reps on biceps day, but can quickly and unexpectedly lead to catastrophic injury on shoulder day. Lighten up your weights and steer clear of sloppy form!
Building an insane set of shoulders can be done if you want to train them once a week for 45 to 60 minutes. However, when that kind of time isn’t available, you can still attain an amazing pump and chalk down just as many sets as you’d normally use (with a little added intensity) in less than half the time. How is the possible? The answer, of course, lies in the name of giant sets!
Building a giant set is simple. Choose 4 to 5 exercises that all target the same muscle group. In this case, you’re targeting the shoulders. Choose at least 1 exercise for each of the deltoid heads, and then choose the other movements from your loaded stable of useful shoulder movements. Complete one set, drop the weights and immediately move to the next exercise, taking only as much time is needed to physically move to the next station. Let zero time be wasted. A sample workout would look like this.
Shoulder Exercise 1 – 10 repetitions
Immediately move to next movement and begin.
Shoulder Exercise 2 – 8 to 10 repetitions
Immediately move to next movement and begin.
Shoulder Exercise 3 – 8 to 12 repetitions
Immediately move to next movement and begin.
Shoulder Exercise 4 – 8 to 12 repetitions
Immediately move to next movement and begin.
Shoulder Exercise 5 – 12 to 20 repetitions
Immediately move to next movement and begin.
You will want to train with shoulder giant sets in a situation where you aren’t in the way of everyone else who is training. Picking an off-peak time such as 10am, 2pm, or 8pm can be a good way to enjoy a litany of free weights and stations without blocking the busy workouts of others. Alternatively, training at home can solve all of your problems as well, if a home gym training option for shoulder day is in your reach. When possible, lay out your dumbbells, barbells and cable stations out ahead of time so you can move safely and quickly from one exercise to the next.
Recovering from a workout like this won’t be as difficult as you might imagine. Yes, you will be obtaining one heck of a pump in only twenty minutes. However, the training is brief and if you recover as wisely as you exercise, then you will find allocating the required resources for recovery isn’t difficult at all! Sleep 7.5 to 8.5 hours every night. Drink plenty of water and eat balanced meals. Devote your time to building a complete life, train shoulders briefly with great intensity using giant sets, and you can make all of your goals, but inside and outside of the gym, come true!